Klasja Habjan
Klasja Habjan (Zagreb, 1993) is an illustrator, a graphic designer, and a writer.
Klasja Habjan (Zagreb, 1993) is an illustrator, a graphic designer, and a writer. She graduated Magna Cum Laude at the School of Design in Zagreb where she majored in Visual Communications (2016). She received the School of Design’s Annual Award for her project Notepad ‘Unblock’: a notepad for drawing, writing and research (2013/2014). She was selected as one of ten Croatian illustrators whose artwork was included in the catalogue Illustrators from Croatia/Illustrateurs de Croatie (Mala Zvona, Zagreb, 2020).
Her affinity for illustrating her stories (or, the other way around, for accompanying her graphic templates with writing) and combining both mediums characterizes her solo exhibitions (Melting/Otapanje, Kranjčar Gallery Zagreb, 2022, Finally, somebody!/Napokon netko!, Rigo Gallery, Novigrad, 2020, and Pieces/Crtice, Šira Gallery).
She written and illustrated The Spirit of the Bauhaus (MSU, Zagreb 2020) and she illustrated a children’s books Piccola con Piccolo (Mala Zvona, 2020) and Darklets/Tminice (Mala Zvona, 2023).
Klasja works in a design studio klasja&ziat&andrea.
Solo exhibitions:
- Melting/Otapanje, Kranjčar Gallery, Zagreb, 2022
- Finally, someone!/Napokon netko!, Rigo Gallery, Novigrad, 2020
- Pieces/Crtice, Galerija Šira, Zagreb, 2019
Illustrated books:
- Darklets/Tminice; children’s picture book written by Igor Rajki, Mala Zvona, 2023
- Piccola con piccolo; children’s picture book written by Bruno Mezić, Mala Zvona, Mala Zvona, 2021
- Pieces/Crtice; a collection of illustrated short stories and poems, Petikat, Zagreb, 2020
- Spirit of the Bauhaus/Duh Bauhausa; comic book, story and illustrations, Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, 2020